1993 Miracle Yearbook
Located nearthe village park, the Cedarville Youth Center gives high school students in the community a place to go afterschool.Thisgroupofcol- lege students goes to the cen- ter for atleastan hour a week to supervise planned activi- ties. Through this ministry, team members build friend- ships with Cedarville teens and develop opportunities to share their Savior with them. Youth Center\ Rightto Left:Jenna Coakley,Nathan Hu,Brent Underwood,Brian Naess, Brian Harriman,Derek Johnson. The Ohio Veteran's Children's Homeevening ministry,also known as Youth Fellow- ship,givesstudentsan opportunity to build"everlasting"relationships with kids who have had terriblefamilylivesorhavebeenin trouble with thelaw.Mostofthechildren atOVCH have been in more bad situations than we would ever see in a lifetime.The Cedarvillestudentswhospendtimewiththesekidsmaybetheonly"lightofthegospel" thattheyever see.Theteam getstoshare"reallove"with the kids-- toshow them that someone actually cares for who they are,to tell them that Jesus will never leave nor abandon them.Whatajoytoseeoneofthesechildrencometothe Lord and tosee him or her grow with smiles ofjoy.Praise the Lord! . • Ministries Holly Schulmeyer, Julie OVCH - P.M. Mach, Maria Biggs, Kristin Noneman, Carlene Perdue, Connie Francis Sara Dyson Second row: Mindy VanSteenbergh, Lee Martin, Allison Stolar, Taryn Campbell, Rachel Skinner, Julie Williams, Tom Tang, Kerry Anderson, Becky McIntyre. Back row: Brian Carnahan, Nick Awabdy, Eric Cochran,KevinConkel,EricAshcraft,Adam Ulery,MattBreneman,Rod Hoewing,JeffRohm,John Hill,Chris Jones,Doug Moore,Brenda Mattke,Ann Konya.
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