1993 Miracle Yearbook
Y•0•U•T•H• M•I•N•I•S•T•R•I•E•S COMMUNITY MINISTRIES Tutoring is a tool for ministering in the lives ofhurtingkids.Oftentimes,whenteammem- bers would arrive,they would find that the kidsdid nothavehomeworkbutwerewilling to just sit and talk. Many ofthem have been severely hurt by peoplethey trust.Theteam has been thrilled to watch as these children experiencethehealingpowerfoundinChrist. Only He can heal their pain and give them hope. OVCH Tutoring Front row:Holly Cook,Marsha Olsen,Necole Kommel, MelissaKohlbacher,VeronicaMower,EricMiller.Second row:Brenda Sprankle,Elise Cook,Carly Gregory,Jenni- fer Horne, Lisa Gillett, Jennifer Call. Third row: Kim Eastlund,Jill Pratt, Jill Jordan,Kristen Houlihan,Geoff Lane. Back row: Linford Herschberger, Susan Moffett, Laura Miller,Sharon Piper,Aaron Most. Praise the Lord! At the Ohio Veteran's Children's Home (0.V.C.H.),Cedarvillestudentsface an exciting yetverychallenging ministry onSunday morn- ings. Team responsibilities and opportunities vary.Someplanand presentSundaySchooland children's church lessons for the younger chil- dren,whileotherssearch thecampusforevena few highschoolstudentswhomaybeinterested in attending Sunday School. The major goal of the team is to build friendships and relation- ships with the students in hopes that they will receiveJesusChristaspersonalLordandSavior. TheOVCHministrygivesstudentsa wonderful opportunity to reach out to children who truly need love,friendship,and a personal relation- ship with Jesus. Front row: Jeremy Spieth, Krista Keesling, Karen Robertson, Debbie Logan, Katie Baier, Leslie Wenzel, Christy Lyn Sarkisian, OVCH- A.M. Suzanne Stern. Second Row: Kim Koziol, Jaimee Potter, Laura Powers, Stephanie Winchip, Cheryl Davis, Misty Borkholder, Erica Porter, Larry Bandy. Back row: Nicole Hernandez,StevenBurdette,JimCramer,KeithHamer,Greg Petek,BrianWymer,ToddBreneman,JulieLynnBurns,Craig Klotzbach,Karla Warnken,Gretchen Pike,BrentLuman.
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