1993 Miracle Yearbook

The Ronald McDonald House Christian ministry team serves families whosechildren arein the Dayton Children's Hospital. TheteamchoseIPeter4:10asitskeyverseforthe year,"Aseach one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God." The team desires to haveaservant's heartand to portray their Christian testimony of "the manifold grace of God." This ministry requires both faithfulness and commitment. /Ronald McDonald House Frontrow:Denise Allen,CandieO'Toole,AprilM.Johnston,AmyHoop.Back row:DonE.Smith, Jr.,LeahHoover,JulieStafford,AndyBiddle,AmyMcMahon- leader. i-•"*.-"ft The members of the Greene Memorial Hospital team have the privilege of serving both staff and patients in the Emergency Center. Some of their activities include making beds, taking patients toradiology,deliveringlabspecimens,and visiting with thosewhoneedencouragement.Thisministryenablesstudentsto shareChristthrough theiractionsand attitudesbylivingouttheir testimonies. /Greene Memorial Hospital Front row: Lisa Groeber,Dawn Merritt, Angela Rich,Laurel Barnhart,Jennifer Bradley,RebeccaMaGee.SecondRow:AnitaHill,RebeccaLodge,NathanPiovesan, Cathy Remington,Jennifer Kitzrow,AmyCrawford,Amy Estle.Backrow:Carrie Eargle, Carrie Eldeen, Michele West,Sarah Sizemore,Becky Edwards,Jerinifer Burkett,Laura Huggler. At Mercy Hospitalin Spring- field, Ohio, Cedarville stu- dents offically serve as "vol- unteers."Theyperform duties rangingfromdeliveringflow- ers to refilling water pitchers and escorting discharged pa- tientsto waitingfamily mem- bers.The team has portrayed their testimony through ac- tions and through their con- versations. They also had many opportunities to talk to high school students who worked with them as volun- teers. /Mercy Hospital Front row: Heidi Bossley, Dawn Kauffman,AmyPowley.Secondrow: Kim Pletcher,Melissa Yorgey,Melia McNabney,Brian Longfellow.Third row:MikeCollins,JanetPotts,Lynda Gavitt, Rebecca Smith, Amber Rohweder. Back row: Heather L. Fulton, Mark Holsinger, Jeff Buckingham,Gary Stickley.Not pic- tured:Will Orser. Ministries