1993 Miracle Yearbook

V•I•S•I•T•A•T•I•O•N M•I•N•I•S•T•R•I•E•S COMMUNITY MINISTRIES r The primary purpose ofthe Dayton Detention Homeministryistosharethemessageofsalva- tion through Christ with the lcids atthe home. Team membersbelievethatsalvation willlead the kids to a fulfilling life once they leave the detention home.Theteam holdsa church ser- vice each Sunday morning.Following the ser- vice, they split up and go to various units establishing relationships with the kids and sharing the gospel.Thehomehasover100,12- 18 year old kids who are hungryfor attention andlove.Eachdedicatedteam memberdesires tohavethekidsseeJesusinthem.TheLord has done miraculous things at the home this year, bringing over20kidstoasavingknowledgeof Himself!Praise the Lord! /Dayton Detention Home Frontrow:BeckyBradley,JenniferMyers,NicoleGadelljenniferDear,DebbieBurldey,KristaPantana,TracyRaines.Secondrow:DanaHull,LumanStrong,LaraCarlson, Tiffany Beheler,Alithea Henriquez,Matthew Reynolds,William Butts,Charline Grygiel.Backrow:Carrie Glidewell,CarleneCardosi,HollySnyder,RebeccaCoy,Erik Benson,Kyle Schwendemann,Mark Combs,Jay Murphy,Harold Edington,Jim Geise,Mark Utz,Ma Conine.Not pictured:Aimee Phelps. The Greene County Juvenile Detention Center and the Greene County Treat- ment Center are big brother/big sister typeministries.Spendingtimeindividu- ally with these teens allows the team members to show the teens that they care,and it also gives them an opportu- nity to share Christ's love with them. This year the teams saw one teenager cometoknow theLord.TheythankGod thatHeisstillinthebusinessofmending broken hearts. /GreeneCounty Juvenile Frontrow:TamaraSitorius,JanetChezilc,Rebecca Armstrong,LoriShaw,LeahDenson.Secondrow: George Haines, Lisa L,ough, Nathan Piovesan, Kim Geremia,Amy Dirr.Back row:Bryan Eaton, Steve Wurster,Alicia Elmore,Randy Snell,Slone Bartley,Kim Conner.