1993 Miracle Yearbook

ue Winners Revealed How important is wiiming? Accord- ing to the soccer team, winning a game involves more than simply getting the higher score or receiving a trophy. Win- ningisknowingthateach memberplayed his best and glorified God through his performance. Team membersand coach alike strive to please the Lord each time they compete. Inworkingwiththesoccerteam,Coach McGillivray'sgreatestchallengehasbeen to prepare them to work as hard as they can;to play with the mind-set that they will win; and yet train them to accept defeat graciously when they lose. McGillivray has been encouraged by the spiritualgrowthand maturityhehasseen in his team this year. Hefeels a sense of accomplishmentandexcitementashehas been able to watch God workin the lives of his players. Theattitudesandcharacteroftheteam membersreflect the goalstheir coach has setforthem. Jason Crary,oneoftheteam captains, shares a valuable lesson he learned while playing soccer at Cedar- ville:"Our coach is incredibly strict with uson thefield. Through hisemphasison discipline,Ihavelearned tobecomemore awareofwhatIamdoingand howIaffect others.Someonewillalwaysbewatching me." Though very competitive on the field,Crary's highestgoalisthattheteam play their best and maintain a good atti- tude,even in difficult situations. Randy Southwell, another team cap- tain, also believes that winning is more than the score at the end of a game. He says, "I feel good about a game well played--even if we did not win. Mygoal is to do my best." The score at the end of the game is importantto the soccer team,but having the most goals is not their first priority. Tothem,themostimportantgoalsarenot the onesthey kick into a netat theend of the field. Rather,they endeavor to work together, play their best,and glorify the Lord,both in victory and defeat. •Kathleen Coy Pir 4, 14a -Voill'rrilr"...mm===" , a rim' ' Ns* W AMOMPIIPME -'t ••g Aminvor• wet •ft • ir" - - • - t 11.4 - .4 161! •• • - ;• Z . t I I • / Bottomleft: WITHA SWIFT,HARD KICK,Eric Reini passes the ball to his teammate. Sports Photo by Todd Hill Top:FIGHTINGTOFtEMAIN WITHINTHEBOUND- ARIES,Kevin Belmont attempts to regain control of the ball. Bottom right: CONCENTRATION allows Ken Kolesar to retain possession. Photo by Steve Cook