1993 Miracle Yearbook
Volleyball Victory The Lady Yellow Jackets came out on top this season with a record of 33-13, whichcan beattributed to theirdedica- tion to teamwork. Using their indi- vidualtalents,theteamworkedtogether tobringthevolleyballseasontovictory. AmyZehr and Angela Hartman made the All-Tournament Team, and Amy Zehrand DeeHauser werea partofthe All-NAIA District 22 Team. Besides these recognitions, Angela Hartman received honorable mention in the All- NAIA District 22. Then NCCAA Dis- trict 3 nominated Amy Zehr and Dee Hauser to participate in a final volley- ball game. The NCCAA also chose Angela Hartman and Lynette Cruz as Scholar Athletes; and Amy Zehr was chosen for the NCCAA All-American team.Theirindividualtalentsandteam- workbroughtthemsuccessintheNAIA Tournamentwheretheyfinishedinsec- ond place. Atseason'send,they chose AmyZehrand AngelaHartmanastheir most valuable players. Coach Brown then placed her stamp of approval on the hard work and dedication which led the team to enjoy a victorious sea- son. *Lynda Gavitt RALLYING TOGETHER,the team encourages one another as they await the beginning of the next match. .er'4 /- 1111111111. tit w All PhotosbySteve Cook Left: "TIP",Dee Hauser,makes good on her nickname CEDARVILLE DOMINATES at the net as the and tips the ball over the net. opponentsfail to block their attack. imk
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