1993 Miracle Yearbook

Cinderella Visits Windsor Castle Just as the magic in thewandofCinderella's fairy godmother trans- formed mice into coach- menand herragsintoa beautiful gown, so the Homecomingcommittee magically transformed the dining hall into Windsor Castlefor the Homecoming Royalty Banquet. Castleguardsgreeted visitors and directed them to their seatsfor dinnerandforthe coro- nation ofa new queen, SheriLeeds. As well-wishers ex- tended their support to the new queen, they made their way out of the castle onto a torch- lit path leading to the Chapel. There, they en- joyed a concert with Billy and Sarah Gaines. The Gaines sang from their hearts so that all could see their lovefor God and their lovefor each other. The highlight of the con- cert was the encore,a re- questfrom the audience, "Love is the Reason."As the last note was played and the applausefaded, a Royal Evening at Windsorendedasthough a clock had chimed the hour oftwelve. Nonethe- less,likeCinderella,those present were left with many wonderful memo- ries to think about -- has anyonefound the damsel with the other glass slip- per? *Marsha Olsen ENTERING WINDSOR CASTLE,Melia McNabne and Wayne Leichty anticipate art evening of entertainment. HOMECOMING QUEEN, SheriLeeds, and her escortPaul Anderson smile after an eventful evening. IN A MOMENT OF DEEP THOUGHT, Tracy Quinn,Aaron Newcomb,and Humber Hidctlgo stop to discuss the important issues oflife. • Student Life