1993 Miracle Yearbook

tutMagnolias Finding Beauty and Strength in Steel- Magnolias When the house lights dropped and the stage lights revealed a 1980's hair styling salon,a captivated audience was drawn into the lives of six Southern women.There really wasn't much unusual about these women. Theyjust wentthrough their daily routines as the audience watched. Nonetheless,some- one once said that "life is the 'stuff' of which drama is made,"and asthe diverse lives and personalities of these women converged in one place, drama was made and the beauty salon became an interesting place to spend some time. In herflamboyant manner,Truvy(Priscilla Brown),the owner of the styling salon, gave her full attention and beauty expertise to her willing customers,for she believed "There is no such thing as natural beauty." Truvy was always ready to share in the joys, sorrows, and latest local news of her regular Saturday customers.On the other hand, her new hair- dresser, Annelle (Kari Beres) was nervous, shy and worried that she would make someone's hair too "poufy." The women of the salon were kind to her though and ac- cepted her into their circle of friends. Even Ousier (Susanne Justice), a woman who claimed there was nothin' wrong with her spiritual condition --she had just been in a bad mood for40years--found a warm spot in her heart for Annelle, who was truly con- cerned about Ousier's spiritual welfare. To the delight of the audience,the mayor's wid- owed wife,Claree(ShawnaSmith),wasadept at keeping herfriend Ousier in her place.She confidently exclaimed,"If you don't have any- thing nice to say...come sit by me." The playcenterson Shelby's(April Hoover) life.When the audiencefirst met her,she was preparing to become a blushing new bride. She and her mother, M'Lynn (Tracy Quinn), were in constant disagreement over the de- tails of the wedding. After the wedding, how- Fine Arts ever, they found another topic for contro- versy -- Shelby's pregnancy. Shelby was a diabetic,and giving birth could have cost her life. As the play progresses, the audience experiences the joy of the birth of Shelby's baby,as wellasthesorrow of M'Lynn.M'Lynn sacrificed one of her own kidneysfor Shelby; the transplant failed, and Shelby died. Amid their grief, the women in the salon found strength in theirfriendships with one another. They were strengthened to go on,strength- ened like steel--Steel Magnolias. *Ruth Pfhaler "VALIUM"M'Lynn repliesto Annelle'squestion of"what's the thirtieth wedding anniversary?" Cast Truvy- Priscilla Brown Ouiser- Susanne Justice Clairee-Shawna Smith Shelby-Apryl Hoover M'Lynn- Tracy Quinn Annelle- Kari Beres