1993 Miracle Yearbook

Left,Right,Left Graduation greatest test yet? Do you get your left and rightconfused?Graduation canconfuseeventhosewho haveneverexperiencedthis dilemma. The first chal- lenge comes at rehearsal whenyouarehandedapink paper - a seating chart of sorts.(In truth,the paperis a technical writer's night- mare - one large graphic with no explanation.) You notice thirty-two rows of fourteen chairs with every row divided into two sets ofseven.Afterkillingafew gray cells, you realize each rowisdividedsothatseven members of each row will enterfromtheleft,theother sevenfrom the right.Relief floodsyoursoulasyoufind your seat - row 20,seat 1, rightline.Theworstshould be over. Announcementsand re- minders fill the next thirty minutes. Dr. Matson and Dr.Wood explain the pro- cedure for receiving your diploma. First, "Watch your hood lest it look like your arm should be in a sling." Second,remember "right hand over the left when you shake Dr. Dixon'shandandtakeyour diploma." Or did he say, "left over right?" Ugh! Graduation must be the greatestexamofthesefour years:atestofwhetheryou can follow directions and keep them straight under pressure. Despite the pressure, cometen o'clockSaturday, all 459 seniors enter the gym in two parallel lines, reach their seats, and re- ceive their diplomas with- outany major baubles.(Ex- cept an unruly hood here and there.) Family and friends are gathered - both tears and laughter marking the occa- sion. Commencement marks the exciting begin- ning of a new life, yet the good-byesthatmustbesaid choke up even the stereo- typical,nonemotionalmale. Shakespeare summed up these emotions,"Parting is such sweetsorrow."Saying good-bye,howeverdifficult, can be calmed by the reas- surance that a reunion lies ahead,the greatest reunion being the one where we all join ourSavior,JesusChrist and our classmate, Diane Jones in heaven.Oh whata day that will be! *Marsha Olsen mraa.-a i; Photo by Ardvark Photography THE CONCERT CHORALE MAKES THEIR LAST APPEARANCE TOGETHER AT GRADUATION. IN CHRISTALONE,the song of the graduating class,is sung by the Class of 1993.