1993 Miracle Yearbook

NotAn Accident On the morning ofFriday,October30,1992,DianeJonesand Brian Smith ate breakfastand argued--theyargued abouthow sovereign God is. Diane maintained that because God is in completecontrolofallcircumstances,there are noaccidents. Brian disagreed,butina letter to Dr.Dixon on Saturday,headmitted that through unusual means,Diane won the argument. On her way to work in Xenia,Friday afternoon,Diane was involved in a car accident that claimed her life. Her death sent shock waves and grief through the student body as friends mourned and all were reminded ofthe brevity oflife. Inachapelmemorialservice,theMondayfollowingherdeath,evenstudentswho did not know Diane were challenged by the testimony of her life. Diane's life exemplified a thankful spirit,a devotion to prayer,and a burden for the lost that compelled her togoouton Open Heirsevery Friday.Herroommate,Jennifer Bond, saidDianehadahugecardboard boxin theshapeofaheartin hercloset.Dianewould write the names,dates,and prayer requestsofpeopleshe talked toon3x5cardsand place them in the heart. Diane'sgoal in life was to livea life pleasing to God.A poemfound in her room prayed,"Dear God,Help me beagood sportin thisgameoflife."Dianeleft her life in God'shandsdesiring that the trialofherfaith "resultin praise,glory,and honor whenJesus Christrevealed"(IPeter 1:7,NW).Diane wasagoodsportand no part ofher life or death happened by accident. Her death reminded the entire college family of the brevity of life. No one is guaranteed tomorrow. Thus,Dr.Dixon challenged all to sell out to God. Diane's prayer life and walk with God were notan accident.She decided to serveHim and shemadeaconsciouseffort tofollow throughon herdecision.Shededicated Romans 12:11-12to this yearasachallengeto remainfaithful:"Neverbelackingin zeal,but keep yourspiritualfervor,serving the Lord.Bejoyful in hope,patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." Though the reasons why God called Diane home may never be evident,weknow that"HeMakethNoMistake,"and werejoice thatshenowstands with her sovereign Lord who allows no accidents. *Marsha Olsen Diane Jones Julie Daugherty Kari Davidson Cheryl Davis Dennis Davis Nursing Nursing English Bible,Comprehensive London,OH Lebanon,OH East Machias,ME Washington Court House,OH Susan Denlinger Elementary Education West Milton,OH %.•/*V r Melinda Derks Nursing Holland,MI Karen Dieter Marketing Willowick,OH Amy Dirr Nursing Hamler,OH