1993 Miracle Yearbook

Remember... One of the last college memories of a Cedarville Senior is the good-bye chapel when the memoriesofthe pastfour years are reviewed,the class song is sung as a tear escapes an eye or two,and the class versesuddenlytakesonanew meaningas you stand prepared to enter "THE WORLD." ISamue112:24-OnlyfeartheLord,and serveHim in truth with all your heart;for considerhow greatthingsHehasdonefor you. "Hmmm,onlyfear theLord?That's all I havetodo?I'vebeen"fearing"alot more titan that lately.How am I going to find timeto getallthislastminuteworkdone? Whatif myinterview Thursday is aflop? Howlong willmyparentsallow ajobless, spouseless,college graduate to vegetate under their roof?" "...and serve him in truth with all your heart;" Yea,I've heard thata million times — with all your heart,souland mind.I know thissoundsselfish,buthowdoIknowIcanserveHim withallmyheart withoutlosing outon whatI want?" "for consider how great things he hasdonefor you." "Oh,I get it! The greatthingsGod hasdonefor meare proofthat Ishould serveHunwithallmyheart.ButwhatgreatthingshasGoddoneforme?Ican't think of...well,IguessHedid providethefinancesfor meto attend here.Not only that,but he provided the supportfor my MIS trip lastsummer.He did send someoneto encourage melast week whenI wasfeeling depressed,and oh,Iforgot to thank Him,He helped methrough that presentation Monday thatI wasso nervous about.Now thatI think of it,Heeven helped me pass Foundations with a C+ myfreshman year! I guess God has blessed me.He saved me.Whatcould begreatertitan that? IreallydoserveaGreatGod,and He has done great things for me.. *Marsha Olsen Charlene Yoder Social Work Fair Play,SC Craig Yoder Bible,Comprehensive Berne,IN Nathan Yoder Social Science Irwin,OH AmyZehr Elementary Education Fort Wayne,IN Jeffrey Zwart Biology Carmel,IN OFFICE TECHNOLOGY Leah Halsey Brownsburg,IN DorothyIVIarner Arthur,IL Deidre Moore Rochester,MN April Case Greenwich,OH Chenil Deinum Houston,TX Ondrea Mullins Ortonville,MI Jennifer Tyson Horseheads,NY r