1993 Miracle Yearbook

Honors Day HonorsDayChapel,atimeforCedarville College to recognize those students who excelacademically,wasappropriatelyheld on Parent's Weekend. A number of stu- dentsfromeachdepartmentreceivedschol- arships and awards based on academic achievement and potential for successful future endeavors. The most prestigious awards were an- nounced at the end ofchapel when Casey Wood,President ofthe Student Academic Advisory Board,"opened the envelope"re- vealingthestaffmemberandfaculty mem- ber of the year. The staff member of the yearwasMissToiKing.Assecretaryforthe Education Department, Miss King keeps 10full-time faculty and over400students sane.Faculty member ofthe year was Dr. RobertParr.Dr.Parrisprobablybestknow by most students as the professor of the popular social science elective Marriage and the Family. Congratulations to all who earned rec- ognition during Honors Day Chapel! *Jim Foster FACULTY MEMBER OF THE YEAR Dr. Parr sa s a few words to the 11 Photo b Steve Cook Photo by Steve Cook IN MEMORY OF RUBY JEREMIAH,Christine Hayden is one ofthe recipient ofthe Ruby Jeremiah Scholarship. BUSINESS MAJOR,Alfred Yoder,receives the Ira C. Mast Award from Dr. Ronald Walker. Student Life