1993 Miracle Yearbook

Cancer-Free in '93! God often allows difficult cir- cumstances#to come into a Christian's life in order to help the person grow and to bring glory to Himself. Laura Maki is convinced thatthis wasthecase in her recent bout with cancer. This past September, she un- derwenttwo surgeries in which thecanceroustumor in her neck was successfully removed. Although her situation was discouraging at times, Laura was thankful for the grace and special peace God gave her. She praised the Lord as she watched Him work through her illness to strengthen her faith and to encourage those around her. God was glorified through Laura's suffering as others wit- nessed her optimism and trust in Him. She hopes those who hear her story will be encour- aged, realizing that God can use the difficult times in others' lives to make them stronger people and to glorify His name. James 1:2-4 has had a new significance#for Laura: Consider it pure joy, my broth- ers, wheneveryouface trials of manykinds, because youknow that the testing ofyourfaith de- velops perseverance. Perse- verance mustfinish its work so that you may be mature and complete,notlacking anything. •Kathleen Coy Candace O'Toole Jason Oesterling James Olinger Lori Olson Monty Orcutt Matthew Orme Dean Osuch Amy Owens Stephen Paine Elizabeth Parsons Stephen Patterson Robert Peart Ryan Pelton Kristoffer Pepperell Marla Perkins Michelle Perry Kyle Peterson David Pfahler Aimee Phelps Lori Phipps Jonathan Pickens Janine Pinkley Nathan Piovesan Kimberly Pletcher Stephanie Plikerd Julie Plunkett Tamara Pool Erica Porter Janet Potts Amy Powley Jill Pratt Chad Prosser Denise Proudfoot Cynthia Quint Sara Radford Matthew Rainear Todd Ramer Melanie Ras Student Life •