1993 Miracle Yearbook

_ Kimberlee Veneberg Judy Volante Tara Wagenaar Kristi Walker Kevin Wallenbeck Joel Wallis Melanie Walter John Wambold James Warnshuis Erin Wawro Erin Weaver Ann Weise Ruth Wenger Steve Whalen Keila Whittaker Jody Wiedemann Raymond Wilcox, Jr. Stephen Wildasin Roger Wilhelm, Jr. Stacey Wilkinson Charles Willett Kristen Williams Jennifer Williamson Adam Wilson Carrie Wilson Christopher Wilson Michael Wilson Stephanie Wilson Chad Wingert Lisa Winn Jennifer Winters Paige Wolfanger Lorna Woodard Ann Woodman Jennifer Wright Mavis Wu Brian Wymer Darren Young Jason Young Michelle Zehr Jennifer Zenner Mark Zuiderveen Paying for College with a Promise -- ROTC Cedarville College has a number of stu- dents involved in the Army and Air Force ROTC programs. These programs allow the students to serve part-time in the reserves whilethe governmentfi- nancestheircollegede- grees. Afterthey gradu- ate, they then serve in the active-duty forces. Thestudents benefit by receiving acollegeedu- cation at little or no cost to themselves, and the armed forces benefit by gaining college-edu- cated officers. Because of its com- paratively small size, Cedarville does not have its own regular ROTC units. Students in the Army ROTC pro- gram work with Central State's "Marauders" detachment, while the Air Force students op- erate with studentsfrom Wright State. Juniors and seniors in the Army program meetwith their counterparts at Central Statethreetimesaweek for exercise, and all ROTC students attend leadership labs about twice a quarter. These labsinclude training ac- tivities such asfiring M- 16 rifles; but they are not always times of rig- orous work; some are fun as well. ROTC is notfor every- one. Studentswhooptfor this program commit themselvesto eight years in the armed forces upon receipt of their commis- sions. In spite of the long hours of training and the promise to at least eight years of service, ROTC givesstudents"an oppor- tunity to see what they are." •David Holmes Student Life