1993 Miracle Yearbook

Regina Miller Robin Mills Kristin Milner Jonathan Misere Kristine Morgan Hope Morse Donald Mosley,Jr. Tina Mulanax Loren Mullins James Murphy Melinda Myles Daniel Neil Jennifer Neudeck Aaron Newcomb Lorraine Newton William Orser Deanna Osborn Matthias Otto Bradley Palmer Krista Pantana Zachary Pappas Chad Parrow Kevin Pearson Tim Pearson Carlene Perdue Deborah Perkins Heather Peters Dora Lee Peterson Cheryl Phillips Eric Phillips Alex Pierce Doug Pierce Stewart Pierce Student Life MemoriesSuiface ofShakespeare andSpencer Students Escape to the StratfordFestival The Friday morningsun rises waking the campus to afinaf clayofclasses, but ratherthan hauling to cfass,asmaffgroup of Cedarville students foal their luggage as they embark on a differentadventure that wiffpaintan unforgettable masterpiece in theirhalfofmemories.'rite adventureinvolveda weekeruf ull ofculture,friends,awlShakespeare at theStrayOrdFestival grrough nota weff-krtown cumualevent,aftwstudentshave discoveredthesplendorofthis weekendexcursion into Canada. Memories are madefor some on the tripfom Cedaraffe to StraYore Convincinganofficerthatyoufeftthedrugsyounever hadat(tomes°youcanpassthroughcustomsand.persuadingyour driverthat100kilometersperflourisnotthesameas100milesper hourremove affboredomfrom an eWht hour trip. OnceinStray-ore,the romantic townfiffedwith little shops caul cafes satisfies the culturally curious mind as weff as the impulses ofthe professionalshopper. A casual-stroffafong the maple tree-finedsidewalks or kicking the leaves beside aswan- dottedpondrefreshes even the mostserioussttufent. Butforaff, memorieswere madeat the theatre which wasthe highlightofthe weekend. Even to the non-Engfish major,the performances of these workf-renowned actors and actresses bring a greater appreciation 0- the wit and creativity of Shakespeare. Ofcourse,this weekerufrecipe ofmemoriesnotonlyinchufee the ingredients ofculture arufEfizabethan English, but afso spending three days with specialfriends andthe one-and-only Mr.Spencer. 'The crazy moments ofmanOtjokes, dressing fonnaffyfor a walkin the rain, andconversing in a civilized ntanner overaspot oftea etch a memory that willbe recalled with many snaes and knighted Hopefiely each year, more students wifftake holdofthisonce-in-a-lifetimeeverienceand neverforget it! •Brian Broackfus