1993 Miracle Yearbook

Beta Chi Beta Chi is aservice organiza- tion that provides opportuni- ties for its member who major in broadcasting or are inter- ested in thefield. BetaChiwas responsible for the All School Late NightSkate that was held this year. The organization also holds other special activi- ties for its own memberssuch asafall retreat,aspring camp- ing trip, special speakers for things and occasional trips to TV and radio stations. CSI This year the members of Col- legiateSecretariesInternational have enjoyed numerous activi- ties, including quarterly com- puterworkshop,volunteering at the Crisis Pregnancy Center, and holding a Secretary's Day Banquet for campus secretar- iesand localchurch secretaries. The organization is designed to promote interest in the secre- tarialfield andtoencouragestu- dents in the two-year program tocontinuetheireducation. CSI provides helpfulinformation and fellowshipforstudentswith simi- lar interests in related fields. 11/1ENC Professional Music Educators is the collegiate chapter of Mu- sic Educators'National Confer- ence. This organization, open to anyone interested in music, strives to keep educators in- formed of whatis currently hap- pening in musiceducation. The members yearly attend a three day conference of music semi- nars. Onthecampustheyspon- sor the PDQ Bach concert and helpwiththeyearly MusicShow- case. Front row: Holly Snyder, Shelly Sutton, Brian Spencer, Todd Carrer, Derran Reebel. Row two: Stephanie Saville, Stephen Kellogg, Mark Zuiderveen, Rich Doese,Bill Montgomery. Back row: Keith Hamer,MarySweetland,Eric Cochran, Tom Mathisen, Leah Rosenvold, Ray lzard. Front row: Rebecca Scott, Leah Halsey, Andrea Mullins, Cheryl Lynn Deinum, April Johnston. Second row: Rachel Creekmur,Jenny Hartenstein, Missy Harner, Abby McQueen,Lisa Lightly, Nicole Brubaker. Back row: Cathy Lubbers, Kris Thorsen, Deanna Osborn, Becky Seguin, Beckie Suko, Dorthy Marner. Front row: Wendy Herr, Jaimee Potter, Jennifer Henry, Elissa Neale, Laura Maki. Second row: Tracie Dennison, Doralee Peterson,Susan Shrimp, Lori Kate Lowenhar,Taryn Campbell,Jenifer Bork. Back row: Mindy McPherson,John Misere, Ryan Huebner, Keith Watson,Stephen Wintle, Brian Megilligan, Marne Loomis. I am encour- aged to see the growing interest in the organizaton. I feel it is a step between being a student and becoming a professional. •KeithWatson, MENC