1993 Miracle Yearbook
Front row: Jennifer Horton, Kristine Post, Sheryn Titus, Deborah Gruver, April Seely,Holly Kay Murray,Shelly Souza,Susan Beach. Back row: Michelle Yates, Kathleen Gasparro, Angela Hunsberger, Lynn Skinner, Christy Southwell, Cindy Hasselbring, Tammy Clark, Jenine Hyten, Dana Thompson, Carrie Grayson, Sandy Rinehart, Stacy Smith. Not pictured: Rachel Cain, Stephanie Sherman, Keila Whittaker. Front row: Sean Godden,Chad Parrow,Lon Erchison,Jeff Beiler, Robert Wiggins, Heidi Keefer, Stephanie McChesney, Stephen Meigs, Dani Madding. Back row: David Ross, Aaron Hiebert, Tim Roop, Todd Breneman, Thomas Halsted, Tom Karrels, Clint Smith, Jeff Cone,Joe Cunningham. Front row: Rob Christman,Casey Wood,Jonathan Edgerton, Bill Curry, Kevin Conkel. Second row: Matthew Reynolds, Bob Burns, Randy Joiner, Jeff Rohm, Warren B.Sayre. Back row; Robb Barnum, Helder Seabra, Nathan Elmore,Tim Trow. Bradley Palmer. Rob ToneIli. Alpha Delta Omega Alpha Delta Omega is a Chris- tian service organization for women. The goal of this organi- zation is for members to strive forexcellence in developingtheir person wholistically. The "Al- pha" and "Omega" reflect the group's desire to make Christ the beginning and end of every area of their lives. ADOfocuses on service outreach to the stu- dent body and the community through projects such as Barney's Week, Project Angel Tree,and"Cupid's Bash,"which they sponsor each year with DOE. Alpha Delta Nu Alpha Delta Nu isa new organiza- tion that began in the spring of 1992. The emphasis of this orga- nization is on criminal justice and is open to anyone who is inter- ested in the field of law enforce- mentor publicadministration. This yearADN hasgiven membersop- portunities for exposure to law of- ficers from federal, state, and lo- cal districts. Alpha Delta Nu fo- cusesonthe problemsoftoday by spending time with law officers and learning moreaboutsolutions to some of the problems. DOE The letters in the name of the men's organization DOE stand for discipline, obedience, and excellence. DOE provides fel- lowship for members in addition to the social and service ben- efits they provide for the college through various projectsand ac- tivities. DOEservesthe college by hosting such activities asthe "Cupid's Bash," participating in the Homecoming Parade and the Organizational Fair. Also, DOE sponsored the all night softball marathon in whichteams from both the college and the community participated. Organizations
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