1993 Miracle Yearbook
Epsilon Alpha Pi Asthe name Epsilon Alpha Pi indicates,theemphasisofthis social work organization is "working good to all. The group seeks to promote pro- fessional development,social awareness, and community outreach. Epsilon Alpha Pi has met peoples' needs by being involved in numerous service activities. Students had the opportunity to partici- pate in National Volunteer Day, donate items to the homeless, sponsor children from Compassion Interna- tional, and many other minis- tries. Pi Delta On a regular basis, groups of prospective students, youth leaders, and parents can be seen moving around campus from chapel to the cafeteria to the bookstore. Leading these groups is afearless member of Pi Delta, who takes time out of his or her busy schedule to show off Cedarville College. This volunteer organization serves as the official host to campusguests. Onlystudents with enthusiasm for the col- lege,excellentcommunication skills, and professionalism are chosen as membersof Pi Delta. Society for Human Resource Management The Society for Human Re- source Management provides its members with many oppor- tunities to meet professionals and make business contacts in Human Resource Manage- ment. At their bimonthly meet- ings, the members of the Ce- darville chapter of this national organization interview with people who have already had internships, and they discuss current business topics and activities such as their recent tour of the Honda plant. As a step intothe professional world, members can sometimes ar- range"shadow days"whenthey accompany a professional through his/her day's experi- ences. Front row: Jennifer Sloan, Gwendolyn Beebe, Nichole Bouchard, Leah Stanley, Kim Geremia,Cindy Sutter.advisor. Second row:Beverly McComb Davies,Sharon Piper, Lindsay Hamel, Rita Swartzetruber, Lori Shaw,Charlene Yoder. Front row: Debbie Perkins, Brenda Killian, Kirsten Gibbs, Emily Jagger,Tamara Wymer, Dana Gosser. Row two: Amy Riniker. Debbie Henry, Paige Wolfanger. Mandi Secord, Jean Kurtz, Sheri Leeds. Row three: Heather Rifenberick, Dawn Pangburn,Dana Daniels, Kristi VanDyke,Beverly Check,Shelly Heldreth, Denise Uhl. Back row: Jim Foster, Matt Brown, Mark Holsinger, Mark Vroegop, Dave Bates, Nathan Dobert. Front row: Mitch Hall, Apryl Hoover, Lisa Barnitz, Julie Buentello. Back row: Jolie Sissom,Vivian Borgesde Moraes,Andra Traucht, Kurt Moreland, Advisor, Jim Edgerton. Organizations EPSILON ALPHA PI HELPE GREENE COUNTY DOMESTI VIOLENCE PROJECT IN NA TIONAL"MAKEA DIFFERENC DAY." Through the organization, I've become more aware of peoples' needs and how I, as an individual, can help them. *Lori Shaw, Epsilon Alpha
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