1994 Miracle Yearbook

S wordbearers Extension Teams The Swords Extension Teams trace their roots back to 1964 when a handful of stu- dents began a jail ministry. When the jail ministry wasended,thesestudentsdecided to getinvolved in thecanvas ministry where they held street meetings. Eventually they helped start several small churches in the area. As a result,Swords Extension Teams formed. Swords give the students an opportunity togrowintheirrelationship withtheLordby entrusting responsibilities to thestudentsso theycanfaithfullyserveintheministryofthe local church. Many students are involved in Swords. The organization consists of35 teams,each serving a local church on a weekly basis. Swords can perform any job ranging from working in the nursery to leading the choir. StudentsusuallyparticipateinJuniorchurch, butthey alsolead youth groups,play piano, orteachSundaySchool. Swordsare opento anyone willing to serve in church ministry. TheSwordsfunction asacampusorgani- zation through SGA,with one main execu- tive team serving as the Swords officers. Their Greek root name is "Delta Epsilon," andtheirmottois"ServingtheChurch."They claim Hebrews 4:12 as their summarizing verse:"Forthe word ofGodis...sharperthan any two-edged sword." (NKJV) It pen- etratesintothe heartsofmen. •Lynda Gavitt Teaching Sunday School in local churches is done by several Swordbearers groups. Mike Passineau teaches this class of youngsters. The Swordbearers Executive Committee. Mike Pasquale, Jennifer Long,Dean Osuch,Sandy Rinehart. 106 Ministries