1994 Miracle Yearbook
During a time out, the cheerleaders do a floor cheer to try to get the crowd's enthusiasm up. I Flexible School Spirit Flexibility describes Cedarville Col- lege cheerleaders well. This quality reachesintomanyaspects--temperamen- tal as well as physical. They performed newand moreaggressivestuntsthisyear. When they first demonstrated them, gasps could be heard from the crowd. The cheerleaders need to read the fans and choose a cheer at any moment to focus the fans' attention on the game. They often had to alter a routine due to injuries or other unavoidable circum- stances. Because of their flexibility the cheerleadersledthefanscheeraftercheer: "Cedarville,Cedarville,whadyasay?" "We back the Jackets all the way!" Asthe crowd watches the team play,they look on with awe and wonder.
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