1994 Miracle Yearbook

Trying his hardest,Ryan Huebner creates the beat to evoke excitement in the fans and team. Blowing their horns,the Pep Band does their job to create excitementfor the crowd. Pep Band Saves the Day Not as many people stood up to ap- plaud duringthetimeout.Thereweren't asmanystudentslaughingand havinga good time. The cheerleaders looked a little disoriented. Even the bee didn't seemveryspirited.Rememberthegame? ThegamethePepBanddid notgracethe stands atthefar end ofthe AC? Itis just as wellif youdo notremember. Itis not quite thesame attheJacketgameswith- outthe 140students whochoose to play at every men's varsity basketball home game. Every visitor to Cedarville Col- legerecognizestheexceptionalspiritthe Jacketfanspossesswiththetremendous assistance ofthePepBand. Thegroupis directed by Mike DiCuirci,whoisin his 15th year asdirector;Jim Colman assists him. Let's hope there are nottoo many moregameswithoutthePepBand,who live up to their name during each and every home game. *Tara Luther Without the Pep Band,the basketball gamesjust wouldn't be the same!