1994 Miracle Yearbook

011111011 With great concentration and skill, Jason Ostrander sets the ball for one of his teammates. For the Love of Volleyball A group of male students initiated Club Vol- leyballatCedarvillein 1990. They desired a more intenselevelofcompetitionthanwhattheyfound in theIntramural Volleyballprogram. The Men's Club Volleyball has metthis need ever since and continuestochallengeandstrengthentheskillsof the 17 members who are now in this year's pro- gram. In addition to providing students with the opportunity to further develop their volleyball skills,Club Volleyball providesopportunitiesfor leadership, social interaction, and promotion of good sportsmanship in representing Cedarville College and their Lord. The Club team is a stu- dent-runandstudent-financedorganization.Each member has the responsibility for his own uni- form,travel,andtournamentexpenses.Theyalso manage match scheduling and practice sessions on their own. The program falls under the Campus Recre- ational Activities program directed by Mark Mathews. The Club team leaders this year are RobGraham and GregBulanow. Club Volleyball persists in proving that there need notbea coach to make a team,butrather afew determined and unified athletes who play a sport not to win,but simply for the love of it. *Tara Luther Blocking the opposition,Corey Schwinn shows great intensity on the court. Anticipating the set, Greg Bulanow goes up for the kill.