1994 Miracle Yearbook
It surely is a good thing you have on lots of padding! The Intercultural Christian Fellow- ship, represented by Iota Chi Phi, takes part in the homecoming parade. Kappa Epsilon Alpha helps business majorsand MENC (Music Educators National Conference)strives to minors incorporate Biblical principles into their business practices by keep music education students informed of what is currently providing seminars in career choice and problem solving, happening in music education. First Row: Wendy Herr, Dora Lee Peterson,Sarah Moseley,Jaimee Potter. Second Row: Nadine Tomsa, Christine Dabravalskas, Ruth Heyd,Susan Heinrich, Elissa Neale, Taryn Campbell. Third Row: Dr.Jim Colman,Jenifer Bork, Michelle Bennett, Lori Lowenhar,Brian Megilligan, Carmen Bower, Not Pictured: Joy Brandon, Linford Herschberger. Organizations 149
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