1994 Miracle Yearbook

:ront Row: Jolie Sissom,Amy McWhinnie,Eliza Gronnko,Jane AdamsSmith, _ynda Michael, Maggie Hoffman. Second Row: Kara Henry,Andra Traucht, lenny Hartenstein, Scott Whitten, George Haines, Melissa Harner, Melody Durtis. U A A (Undergraduate Alumni Association) assists the CC klumni Association and office with activities and represents the >tudent body in the Alumni Association. Front Row: Kimberly Bell, Kara Malone, Matt Robinson, Ryan Van Deusen, David Geiger, Jeffery Bowen, Timothy Keib Ill. Second Row: Julianne Pletcher, Becky Woelk, Michelle Burson,Chico Brown,Skippy Gardner,Tom Kadannus, Cliff Scott, Peter Simons. Third Row: Amy Anderson, Sarah Jackson, Heather Cornelius, Erica Porter, Melissa Hadley, Melissa Reed, Courtney Kilburn, Tiff Shaw, Jill Zenner, Jason Taylor. Fourth Row: Todd Seljan, Laura Huggler, Chris Melkonian, Toby Jacobson, Rich Sipes, Brian Miller, Kevin Conkel,Stephanie Sherman,Cindy Hasselbring. Varsity C seeks to give something back to varsity letter athletes who have contributed to the school; members raise money selling concessions at basketball games. TDK,an organi- zation for stu- dents in the Honors Program, also has many fun events for their members.