1994 Miracle Yearbook

Tammy Wittkamper Elementary Education Milwaukee, WI Timothy Woodward Electrical Engineering Kenai,AK Mark Wong Computer Information Systems Caldwell,ID Kristen Wylie Business Communication Technology Kalamazoo,MI Jodi Woodhams Elementary Education Allegan,MI Michelle Yates Nursing Muskegon,MI The Senior Class advisor is Mr. Carl Ruby, Associate Dean of Students. Carl graduatedfrom CedarvilleCollegein1983 with a degreein Psychology. Hereceived his M.A.from Wheaton Collegein 1988in ClinicalPsychology. He then returned to Cedarville to work in the Counseling of- fice. Carl is currently working on his doctoral degree in College Administra- tion at Ohio University. He lives near Springfield with his wife, Susie, and his two daughters,Meagan and Kelsey. Carl has been very involved with our class over the last four years. He is con- stantly providing ideas and resources to help makeourclass projectsasuccess. He takes partin our meetings whenever pos- sible. Carl has been a very large part of our leadership, and his interest and in- volvement are greatly appreciated. Faithful Service The Carl Ruby Family