1994 Miracle Yearbook
Standfirm always abounding in the work ofthe Lord Commencement challenge to Seniors The big day had finally come as the students of the 98th graduating class of Cedarville College marched into the gym- nasium filled withjoy as theyremembered the memories ofthe past and anticipated the visions ofthe future. Faculty, family and friends all gathered together to ap- plaud their accomplished efforts. Someof those especially honored for their dedi- cated service to the college were the recipi- ents of the President's Trophy: Becky Calvert, Shelly Heldreth, and Nathan Elmore. Cyndi Tate was recognized for her tremendous academic achievement with the Faculty Scholarship Award. Looking to the future, Dr. Dixon ad- dressed the graduates challenging them to remember their mission: to stand firm as representatives of Jesus Christ wherever they go and to remember the Source of theirstrength. Hethenled theaudiencein the chorus "Christ Is All I Need." As the graduates left the gymnasium, they took withthem notonlythe priceless memories ofcollegefriends andfun,butalso the rich treasure ofan education embedded in the truth ofthe Word ofGod. •Heather Perry Senior Class President, Gary Stickley, presents the senior class gift to the college and Dr. Dixon. Photo by A,I,Iyark Photography Before the ceremony Elizabeth Greist helps Marcy Hintz look her best. Joyful faces and apprehensive spirits are all part ofgraduation.
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