1994 Miracle Yearbook

Photos byTodd Hill Excellence Continued Forensics team wins state for fifth consecutive year "...and thestatechampionsforthefifth consecutive year,Cedarville College!" These wordssignalled the close ofa highly successful year for the 1993-94 Cedarville College Forensics Team. Once again the team was able to defend their title against the opposition. Forensics is intercollegiate speech competition. This competition consists of three main categories: limited preparation speaking, originaloratoryand oralinterpretation. Eachcompetitorisevaluated according to professionalism, creativity, mastery of the event and overall performance. This year Cedarville played host to the State Varsity Championship,which was a privilege in itself. Senior Ben Kalich treats the audience to an excellent performance. Photos by Todd I till Frontrow,leftto right,seated: LisaLough,CohnCastelow,Dr.David Robey,Director,Carol Lee,Julianne Edgerton. Second row,standing: Mr.Gary Barker,Assistant Director,David Johnson. Thirdrow,ontherock: MarkTotten,CharlieDean,JeremyGrinnell,BeckyCalvert, Angela Nettleingham,MandiSecord,Jonathan Edgerton. Fourth row,standing to the right of the rock: Shelly Fox,Marjorie Chesebro,Gregory Dimler.