1994 Miracle Yearbook

Chamber Orchestra Photo by Todd I ill Photo by Todd Hill Frontrow,left to right: LoriKate Lowenhar,Sarah Moseley,Christine Dabravalskas,Jennifer Shrubsole,Rachel Wirt,Susan Heinrich,Sally Hutchins,Heidi Comers,Curtis Chamberlain, DebbieKruse. Backrow: Damara Klaassen,SusieJones,Stephen Wintle,Jeremy Spieth,Alex Kuhn,Chet Jenkins,Jason Brown,Tracy Mahon,Leah Hoover,Dora Lee Peterson,Mr.Jerry Rodgers,Director. Asschoolbeginsfallquarter,sodoestheCham- berOrchestra. Auditionsareheld duringGetting Started Weekendsoallexperiencedstring players can show their skill. Each qualifying student is responsibletoattend the rehearsals held onMon- days and Thursdays. By practicing only two afternoonsa week,the musiciansareableto work around their busyschedules. During these prac- tice times, the orchestra prepares a program for their future concerts. These concerts include Grandparents' Weekend,Oratorio,High School Strings Weekend, the Young People's Concert, Chamber Music Night, and occasional chapel performances. The orchestra also participates in achurch ministrytwo weekendsa year,and they receive additional requests to perform in local weddings, the candlelight breakfast, and SGA events. Mrs.Rodgers,the directorofthis musical group, said that these outreaches provide the orchestra with opportunities to bring the college and the community closer together. *Lynda Gavitt Front row, left to right: Mrs. Kathryn Rodgers, Director, Lori Rodgers, Gabriella Rajna,MollySmith,GretchenPike. NotPic- tured: John MasIdll, Nicole Cooley,Emily Williams,Jessica MacPherson. Woodwind Choir Tension mountswhenstudentsarrivefall quarterandaregreetedbythewords"Wood- windChoirAudition."Thetensionsubsides, however,afterthenewmembersforthemusic teams are announced. Mr.Rodgers,the di- rector of the Woodwind Choir, says these auditionsmustbeheld onthefirstSundayof the school year to begin preparing for the year's series of concerts. The musiciansim- mediately receive their music to ensure the necessary skills for each coming concert. Because they perform for Grandparents' Weekend,two miniconcert tours,Chamber MusicNight,andfrequentchapelspecials,it is essential that each member attend the weekly practices. Mr. Rodgers also men- tioned thattheWoodwindChoir beganonly four yearsago withseven members. Today, the choir averagesbetween twenty-five and thirty members and continues to infiltrate the campus and community with their tal- ent. • Lynda Gavitt