1994 Miracle Yearbook

R.A.Training Week Late in summer, while the flowers are still in full bloom and the parking lots yet remain empty,a group ofapproximately 100 studentsarrivesoncampusa weekahead of their peers. Known as R.A.training week,its purpose, according to Dean Bates, is to providethesestudents with thetraining that will enable them tofeel "competent to carry outa wide range ofsupervisory,administra- tive, counseling, and disciplinary tasks." Sound a little dry? Ask nearly any R.A.and they will tell you it is not. Although signifi- cant time is spent in meeting these objec- tives, their attainment is handled in a way that builds unity within the groupasa whole. Thissecondary purpose of building group unity is accomplished through quitea diver- sity of activity, not the least of which is the lineup of speakers called in to address top- ics relevant to their field of knowledge and experience. After corporately hearing the challenges offered by these speakers, the R.A.s are able to share among themselves the thoughts and ideas sparked by these lectures, thus making the learning experi- ence a cooperative one. The Camp Birch rope course located out- side Clifton is another traditional elementof R.A. training week. Involving the transver- sal ofa variety of bootcamp-typeapparatus, These R.A.s pose for a picture from a tree. Rebekah Gumprecht William Haberer Nathan Hable Joel Hacker Kelly Hager Craig Hamer Daniel Hamilton Ruth Hamilton Josh Hanks Michelle Harris Caron Hartkop Yvonne Harton Kelby Hassenzahl Julie Hastings Photo by Jeff Beste its accomplishment requires the unified ef- fort of each dorm's R.A. group. When the obstacles are conquered in their entirety, the R.A.s assemble together for a bonfire and cookout. "Eating," says Dean Bates, "always draws people together." But all pure motives aside,there must be some motivationalfactorthatpromptsthese R.A.sto sacrifice the last week of theirsum- mer for a series of meetings and learning- related activities. Dean Purple suggests, "Bottom line,it is required ofthem." Melissa Matthews,afirst-year R.A.in Willetts,admit- ted,however,thatshe welcomed the oppor- tunity to get settled into the dorm ahead of the 2,000 others. It is also during this time, points out Doug Gentry,a second-year R.A. in Lawlor,that one is afforded the chanceto pilfer all of the good furniturefrom the unit. And the best perk of all? Thefree t-shirt, of course! *Marcy Hintz Photo by Kim Ahlgrim Susan Gray Anna Green Derrick Green Megan Griffiths Jason Grills Lisa Grindall Robyn Groves 52 Student Life