1994 Miracle Yearbook

Yogurt Machine Comes to Cedarville Santa was very gener- ous to Chuck's this year. When students returned from Christmas vacation, an interesting contraption greeted them as they stood in "Line 1"for their first college meal since fi- nals week. You guessed it....the ever-popular yo- gurt machine featuring non-fatchocolateandlow- fat vanilla(and,of course, swirled) yogurt! For at least the first month of its much-dis- cussed arrival on Cedarville's campus, the line leading to yogurt seemed endless. The ice cream sat abandoned, alone, and maybe a tad confused over the fuss. The cereal bowls became the "yogurt bowls." To use anything other than "baby bowls"foricecream brought on wide-eyed stares,glares,and giggles from friends making oink- ing sounds as they ob- served the heap of "iced fat and calories" getting ready to transform into cellulite(unless the skills learned in PACL were put to uselater in theevening). Buta mountain offat-free yogurt was socially ac- ceptable. Greattaste with- outthe guilt. In February, justwhen the initial mania had subsided,strawberry was added to the list of tummy-tempting flavors. However,demand con- tinued to exceed supply, and this wasanything but pleasingtoChuckwhoes- timated the vast expense brought about by the col- legefamily'sconsiderable consumption of this new taste trend. The calorie conscious and nil-guilt- giving yogurt will be merely an afterthought in 1995! •Tara Luther Janelle Reis Stephen Reutlinger John Richard Tom Richards Brent Ridley Kendra Risser Heather Ritchey Jesse Roberts Breanna Robinson Gordon Rogers Rachel Rogers Matthew Rohrer Bonnie Rollins Douglas Romaine Mark Romanini Elizabeth Roseboom Brian Rowley Daniel Ruba Paula Rucker Zach Ruffin Kimberly Ruhl Josh Rupp Monica Ruth Jeff Saunders Gabriel Sava Rachel Savage Craig Schaap Ivy Schlesener Aaron Schradin Jon Schultz Jessica Schuring Cliff Scott Denver Seely Valerie Seifert Melissa Seil Melissa Sepkovich Jason Shaffer Rachel Sharp Paul Shaver Lori Shelly Jennifer Sheppard Matthew Sherwood Student Life 57