1994 Miracle Yearbook

Sophomore Breakfast "TheSophomore Break- fasts are considered the 'Sophomore Celebration'," according to Doug Moore, who heads up the break- fasts. Several times each quarter, several of the sophomores meet Dr. Dixon in the President's Dining Room for breakfast in aformal banquet-like at- mosphere. Dr.Dixon saysthatstud- ies have shown that the sophomore class is the mostoverlooked class in a college setting. These breakfasts were designed to encourage them. Representatives from several departments from Academic Records to the Alumniofficecometoshow the sophomores more aboutthe school. The rep- resentatives are also intro- duced to help the students with their futures. 'Don Smith Julie Plunkett Erica Porter Janet Potts Amy Powley Denise Proudfoot Sarah Prudhomme Jason Quinn Cynthia Quint Sara Radford Matthew Rainear Lee Randall Melanie Ras Christopher Rayder Angela Ream Maria Redfern Melissa Reed Jeanne Rice Angela Rich Becky Rich Curtis Richardson Hillary Rinehart Aaron Roberts Karen Robertson Winona Robinson Nathan Rohrer Amber Rohweder Jason Roloff Jennifer Roloff Susan Rooke Douglas Rose Jennifer Ross Lanette Ross Rachel Ross James Rowley Diane Russell Pamela Rutledge Krista Ryan Mike Sabella Stephanie Saville Troy Schaneman Lori Scheumann Andrea Schimmenti Student Life 67