1994 Miracle Yearbook
D ay ofPrayer Cedarville College believes in the power of prayer. Students living in dorms meet weekly, and in many casesnightly,to presentoneanother's needs to God. Across campus,stu- dents unite to pray for the burdens common to them: unsaved family members,future plans,and national revival. Every chapel service begins with corporate prayer for the per- sonal hurts and concerns of college family members. Becauseofitsbeliefinthechanging power of prayer,the college devotes two days of the academic year to prolonged and focused prayer. Dur- ing the spring quarter Cedarville College'sDayofPrayercoincideswith our National Day of Prayer. Day of Prayer '94 began at the foot of the flagpole as administrators, faculty, staff,andstudentspledged allegiance to their country and prayed that it would turn itself back to God. Fol- lowingthis,groupsassembledtopray for such world-wide concerns as the warring nations of Rwanda and Photo by Todd Hill Small groups metbefore chapel in other locations to pray for specific student,college,and national needs. During chapel students divided into small groups to pray fervently to the Lord. Bosnia,our churches and their pas- tors,and the pro-life movement. In chapel thatday,students heard two people give testimony of the power of God to overcome seem- inglyinsurmountablecircumstances. Tom,a HungarianJew,and Utta,the daughter of a Colonel in Hitler's army, are the parents of senior, RebeccaGerendas.ThatGodshould bring them together as husband and wife,and thatHeshould bringthem both to acceptHim as their personal Saviorand Lord wasthe marvelthey both came to express. "The reason that Utta and I tell you our story is not because wethink you should be particularly interested in us, but rather so that you may see how the hand of God is sovereignly at work in lives," Tom explained. That con- viction ofthesovereign workofGod in lives is the reason why Cedarville College devotes itself to prayer and theexplanationforitscontinuedsuc- cess. •Marcy Hintz Photo by Todd Hill
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