1994 Miracle Yearbook

ommunity Ministries Claiming Heirs for the Lord Many Witness in Cincinnati and Columbus When most students are up in the Gavelyte with their friends,visiting their homes,or out having fun on Friday night, approximately 100 to 180 stu- dents are out in Cincinnati and Columbusobeying Christ's last earthly command,sharing the love of Christ to the homeless and street people of the cities. Aboutfive years ago,a core group of thirty people wentout tosharethe Gospeland started Open Heirs. Two years ago, Troy Hamilton took the reigns from Dan Clifford. The term "Open Heirs" was taken from beingjoint heirsin JesusChrist. Wearejoined togetheras heirs to the throne of God. The Open Heirs ministry claimsthese heirsforthe Lord. According to Troy,the inner cities are aculture oftheirown. They are not of the "yuppie" class and do not have many of the luxuries we have. Open HeirsgivesCedarvillestudents a chance to make friends with the homeless and be able to give them food, encourage- ment, clothes, and even help them find jobs. "I think everyone should go out and makefriendships cen- tered on witnessing and lead- ing them to Christ. Open Heirs is a good way of doing that," says Troy. 'Don Smith, Jr. OPEN HEIRS. Front row: Catherine Pasquale, Erica Porter, Todd McNabney,Julie Hastings, Connie Cochren,Jan Yagg Debi Wong,Tracy Van Gorp,Laura Lotz, Heather Christie,Stephanie Coppinger,Jason Driesbach,Ben Miller, Troy Hamilto Second row: Marcy Yoder,Jen Benson,Brian Finnity, Ann Marie Woodman,Scott Hoadley,Ginger Hedlund,Karen Cushma Yolanda Everson, Angela Hartman, Debbie Perkins, Sandy Hickox, Jennifer McCarty, Amy Carnahan, Third row: Shellen Everson, Carrie Scott, Jonathan Glines, Melissa Hewitt, Kevin Swanson, Rob Beecher, Charlie Walker, Jeff Saunders,Am Clark,Jessica MacPherson,Renee Brown,Cara Miller,Terah Cavell,Yoshimi Ikedd,Teresa Smith. Fourth row:Chad Winge Shawn Joers,Aaron Jex,David Peters,Chad Croft,Phil Snyder,Brian Kigar,Dave Campbell,Kathy Bond,Mia Creaco,Danett McCullough, Christina Gain. Back row: Rick Brown, April Burns, John Heflick, Douglas Romaine, Keith Hurt, Jason Borto Angela Wabeke, Winona Robinson, Kim Gurry, Sarah Sizemore, Jeff Breneman,Shari Read, Andrea Eimers, Brian Good