1995 Miracle Yearbook

Conferences Every quarter at Cedarville College is started off on the right foot and that is to get a focus on God. Doing this requires bringing some of the best speakers in the world to the college to get the students on track. In the fall quarter,Dr.Warren Wiersbecameand spoke. Wiersbe,who has authored many books,spoke on the importance ofa daily disciplined life in Jesus Christ. Many of the students enjoyed him and were challenged by his message. It did not end there because at the start of the winter quarter, Tony Evans came and spoke on Thursday morning, Thursday evening, and again on Friday morning. He encouraged the students to stand up for Jesus. He said that, "God wants His children to get into the spiritual telephone booth and become the Supermen and Superwomen of God." The Friday morning service was unique. The lights and sound were out as a result of a power failure. Risking a personal strain on his voice, Evans spoke and stirred the college family to a new dedication to the Lord. Finally, at the beginning of the spring quarter, Ed Lewis was the key speaker for the missionary conference. He hasspoken for the college many times and was enjoyed by all. It should be interesting to note thatone missionary,GradyTolen,gave a concert mixed with humor and thoughtful lyrics for all to hear. This year's missionary conference was by far one of the best, and all the conferences will continue to encourage students in the years to come. Kathy Smart Warren Wiersbe 108 ministries