1995 Miracle Yearbook

Traveling Teams Ministering on the Road "Serving the Lord by servi sion statemen istries Office. many opportu serve in and community or the greater Da In additio ties are nume Yulianne Edgerton Steve Kreitzer Becky Wine YessicaSchuring Yohanna Chang Eric Anderson Taryn Campbell Bryan Hadu MarkZuiderveen Steve Caton Abundant Life rig others" is the mis- ofthe Christian Min- Thedepartmentoffers nities for students to hrough churches and ,-anizationsthroughout yton area and abroad. 1, ministry opportuni- rous even throughout springbreakandthesummermonths. TouringgroupssuchastheAbundant Life Singers,the Kingsmen Quartet, the Lifeline Players,theSchool Year Master's Puppets, the Summer Master's Puppets, the School Year Swordbearers, and the Summer Swordbearerstravelfour weekendsa quarter during the school year. The school year teams spent their spring break ministering in various states. The Lifeline Players traveled in Kansas City and St. Louis; the SchoolYearMaster'sPuppetstoured in Indianapolis; and the SchoolYea Swordbearersscheduleincluded Chit cago. The summer teams trekkec across the country for 10weeksow the summer and ministered in man] churches. The Abundant Life Sing ers ministered in the Mid-Atlanti( states; theSummerMaster'sPuppet toured in the Midweststates; and th( Summer Swordbearers toured in th( North-Midweststates.TheKingsmei Quartet had both a spring break tou inFlorida and a summer tour in th( NewEnglandstates. JodiDelicl 110 christian ministries