1995 Miracle Yearbook

Africa Jamaica typically brings thoughts of beautiful beaches and sun to people's minds. While both of those are true,they are farfrom being a full representation of the country of Jamaica. During the summer of 1994, I, along with eight teammates, had the opportu- nity toseea differentside ofJamaica. We spent most of our time at the Caribbean Christian Centerfor the Deaf and helped with a camp for the deaf people of Jamaica. Many of the deaf children and adults werethe only ones in theirfamilies to know sign language. It was incredible toseetheirappreciationforthe little things and the love they showed for each other and God. In a country where they are often referred toasdumb,theystaystrong and don't give up. Looking back I realize how much that trip really taught me. I now realize how fortunate I am to be able to hear and communicate without difficulty. Some things I take for granted on a daily basis arealuxury elsewhere. Theoneareathat sticks out in my mind the most is the sincerity and thankfulness in prayer that the deaf children taught me. I can now say from personal experience that "actions do speak louder than words." Tricia Walker _lamaica mis 115