1995 Miracle Yearbook

tudents For Social Justice is designed to help meet mmunity needs and to show Christ in a practical way. ow 1: Natalie Vandemark,Jennifer Clark, Penni Fulkerson,Tammy Michaels, eather Marsceau. Row 2: Ben Kanzeg, Beverly Keist, Brooke Higgins, Gareth hillips, Sam Yeiter, Julie Stafford. Not Pictured: Kara Kelley, Heather Murdoch, ebbie Sweeney, Monique Dewar. WE( Society of Women Engineers) provides fellowship be- ween women engineers through meetings and conferences. ow 1: Natalie Vandemark. Row 2: Julie Armour, Becky Ivey, Amy Price, Andrea sterc, Cherish Clark. Tau Beta Alpha (Engineering Honor Society) promotes avenues toward contacts in the business world. Row 1: Kevin Dutil, Scott Hartley, Nathan Pascarella, Eric Miller. organizations 145