1995 Miracle Yearbook

A Time to Reminisce Homecoming at Cedarville Collegeis an occasion thatthe cur- rent students,faculty, and alumni look forward to with great antici- pation. The college family work and plan for weeks,even months, to make this special weekend a success. It is evident that the Ad- ministration value the alumni of Cedarville College. Dr. Dixon kicked off the weekend on Friday morning with the State of the College Address. Thealumnispenttheremainderof the day attending receptions and other social activities. With gorgeous weather out- side, the college family lined the streets for the annual Homecom- ing Parade. After the parade, the alumni attended a special chapel service in which Dr.Dixon spoke. The afternoon was filled with a variety ofactivities such asalumni games, alumni auction, and the Homecoming soccer game. Greg Buchanan,a Christian artist and a professional harpist, capped the day's events with a concert. TheHomecomingWeekend's success is accredited to all those who worked hard to make it an unforgettable weekend. The mes- sage is clear that alumni are a big part ofCedarville College and the college family will always wel- come them back with open arms. Brenda Kregel n ism heelIii at.. Ntean htk.Stte Smith eye, n inot ce tteatn. ABOVE: The members of Alpha Chi celebrate Greene County in an Indian style. Photo by Todd Pettee 16 student life