1995 Miracle Yearbook

Talley's Folly Cast Matt Friedman - Jeremy Grinnell Sally Talley - Elizabeth Roseboom Director - David Robey ABOVE: SALLY: There is no mystery. MATT: Mystery isn't bad,Sally. Mystery is the spice oflife. SALLY: Variety is the spice oflife. MATT: Well,variety has always been a mystery to me. BELOW: MATT:So nowI take a bigchance. I comedown here to tell you Iam in lovefor the only time in my life with a girl who sees the world exactly as I see it. I say to you,Sally, there is a life for the two ofus, will you have me or not? Talley's Folly In the summer of 1943, European immigrant, Matt Friedman, meets Sally Talley, a nurse from Missouri. While they quickly develop a mutual attraction,Sally refuses to believethatsheis worthyof love. Asa result,Sally returns home and Matt begins aletter writing campaign. After afull year ofwriting, Sally still did not answer Matt's letters. Matt then decides to visit Sallyatherhometo settle the issue. At this point, the 97-minute drama begins. Secluded from the rest ofthe world in an old boat house,Matt discovers that Sally has had great pain in "romance." To identify with her pain, he shares the sad details of the death of his family in war-torn Europe. Finally, Sally reveals her deep, dark secret: she had tuberculosis as a young woman,and due to complications of the disease, she is unable to bear children. Butthis doesnotmatter to Matt. Mattsees himself and Sally as two lonely people who have discovered the miracle oflove. After all the pain they have both felt, Matt sees this love as a miracle. As the play concludes, Sally asks Matt,"Do you believe in an- gels?" Matt replies,"I do now." Jodi Delich 234 fine arts