1995 Miracle Yearbook

LEFT: MATT:Iam foolish toinsinuate myselfdown here and try tofeellike oneofthe hillbillies. Whoever heard ofthis Friedman? I don't blame you. I won't be Matt Friedman any more. I'll join the throng. Call myself...AugustHedgepeth. Sip moonshine overthe backofmyelbow. Wheatstraw in thegap in myteeth. I'm not cleaning my glasses, I'm fishing for... BELOW: MATT:(Grabbing her) Vddechap!You areacrazy woman! People do notscream and yell and kick (She stops struggling.) People are blessed with the beautiful gift ofreason and communication. How can such a thing happen? When they passed out logic everybody in the Ozarks went on a marshmallow roast. LEFT: SALLY: I'm going to go get gasoline for your car. You need to go. MATT:(As ifskating for the edge ofthe pond) I'm going too fast! I don't know how to turn. Sally! I'm goingtocrash! Help!It'stheendofa brilliantcareer! Ican'tslowdown!AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaa!(Fallsdown) Oh,oh... I'm serious-- Where are you going? Sally? SALLY:(Shehasstood with herarmscrossed,watchinghim. Unmoved.Nowshetrurnstoleave.)I'mgoing for your gas. MATT: Sally? Hey,I can't run after you in these. SALLY: Good. I'm good and sick ofyou running after me! (She is gone.) talley's folly 235