1995 Miracle Yearbook

Influencing Others with His Love Drs.Monroe Allen and Beverly Monroe have been a part ofthe Cedar- ville College scene for almost three decades. Dr.Allen Mon- roe joined the faculty in the DepartmentofSocialSciences andHistoryinJanuaryof1966. His broad background in the social sciences enabled him to developthewell-knowncourse Foundations ofSocial Science which hasbecomeadistinctive elementin the college culture. He also teaches courses in ge- ography and political science and is knownfor his emphasis on Christian Theism. His formerstudentandpresentcol- league,Dr.Kevin Sims,states this about him, "As a fresh- man, I viewed 'Uncle Al' as someone to be reverentially feared; as an upperclassman, however,I gained a better ap- preciation ofthe man. He was still the task-master, the one whodemanded excellenceand stressed academic rigor in the classroom; yet,he wasthe one who cultivated in me the abil- ity, as well as the desire, to learn." Dr."Mrs."BeverlyMonroe, as she is affectionately called, spentseveral years teachinign the public school system be- fore coming to the Education Departmentin 1977. Herareas ofexpertise include children's literature and several elemen- tary education methods fields: this expertise has led her to minister effectively in several foreign missionschoolsaswell. The chair of the Education Department,Dr.Merlin Ager, describes her as professional, organized,hardworking,ener- getic, and demanding of her students. Hefurther says,"Al- though she is talented and ex- perienced in many areas, children's literature is clearly herfirst love. WhenIthink of her in the classroom,I see her dressed in a 'Mother Goose' costume demonstrating story telling and communicating her excitement for the world of books to her students. Her of- fice has the appearance of the children's books section of a locallibrary.Infact,hergrand- children, Ryan, Allison, and Caitlyn, call her "Grandma- books." The Monroeshavetravelled extensively throughout the world. Their rich cultural ex- periences have contributed greatly to the intellectual de- velopment of their students. Maytheycontinueto beChris- tian role models in balancing academic, cultural and spiri- tual excellence to all their fu- ture students as they have in the last thirty-plus years. Murray J. Murdoch 6 dedication