1996 Miracle Yearbook
ampus Activities Board ront row: Anthony Torlone, R. Brian White, Jack Goodenough, David Kaynor, David AcMurtry. Middle row: John Richard,Heidi Bossley,TiffShaw,Colleen Chapin,Jodie Delich, mie Hapeman,Cliff Scott. Back row: Michelle Miller, Heather Bossley, Krista Ryan,Tricia Valker, Lori Scheumann, Melanie Ras, Dick Walker, Sherri DeClark, Sarah Warnken. ove: C.A.B. isn't all work and play. Heather Bossley, Tricia alker, Mel Ras,Colleen Chapin, d Jodie Delich posefor a picture President Dixon's hot tub. Below: C.A.B. is a big part of Homecoming Weekend. It rained in Cedarvilleonceagain,andthese C.A.B.memberswerestill outthere to help: Anthony Torlone, Tricia Walker, David Kaynor, Colleen Chapin, John Richard. Above: David Kaynortakesa bite out of Jack Goodenough's straw- berry while at a party at the Walkers'. c.a.b.
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