1996 Miracle Yearbook

The Concert Chorale spent a part of their Christmas break in the Czech Republic and Austria. They performed several concerts in different churches within these countries. They ministered to un- saved people and encouraged fellow believers in Christ. With a variety of musical numbers and personal testimonies, the Chorale shared Christ's love with the nations. The Chorale prayed that their ministry and testimonies would be an encouragement to the nations and God blessed the Chorale for their efforts. Butattimes,it wasthe membersofthe Choralethatwere blessed and encouraged instead. One of the memorable moments for the Chorale was at their first concert at the First Baptist Church in Prague,Czech Republic. After the concert,the pastor of the church asked an elderly gentleman to pray. As he got down on his knees and began to pray, he lifted his voice with a deep cry from his heart. The man had come out of communism. Whatan encouragementtothe membersofthe Chorale to see a man hold onto his faith, even through trials and tribulation. Soprano:Lori Anderson,Amy Blevins,Lisa Branon,Jill Breckenfeld,Can Buck,Taryn Campbell,LeaAnne Churgovich,Christine Dabravalskas,Amber George,Carolyn Guerette,Rachel Henricks, Jody Hovis, Karen Jacobsen, Sarah Lightly, Mandy Orme, Erin Prentis, Laura Refior, Selena Samuelson, Nikki Streit, Rebecca Upham, Lisa Walker, Alisa Whitt, Christina Zuiderveen Alto: Allyson Bielo, Jill Brown, Kelli Cast, Nicole Cooley, Julianne Edgerton, Kelly Grady, Karen Hatcher, Kristen Houlihan, Brenda Inion, Trisha Johnson,Becky Kayser, Jennifer McCallister,Jenni Myers,Jessica Nuzum,Kathy Peterson,Jessica Shuring, Nadine Tomsa,Jamie Weiss,Stephanie Yankovich Tenor:Eric Anderson,Joshua Berrus,David Boyd, Steve Caton,Dave Heim,Ryan Huebner,Bradford Illian, Jason Naill, Aaron Ponzani,Stephen Slates, Vance Smith,Brooke Taylor,Jonathan Weber,Steven Weber,Chris Williams Bass: Josh Amos,Aaron Armour,Ryan Burkhard,Daniel Forness,Ryan Freed,John Glick,Josh Hanks,Bruce Holt,J. David Hoskins,Josh Kimmel,Jerry King,John Maskill,Brian Naess,Michael Neufeld, Jason Oesterling, Rich Porter, Chuck Quarles, Chris Rayder,Josh Rupp,Scott Shaw Accompanists: Kathy Peterson,Steven Weber Director: Dr. Lyle Anderson. Concert Chorale symphonic band /concert chorale