1996 Miracle Yearbook
Bible Conferences Allistair Begg Beginning a new year spells out incredible amounts of activity, with moving into the dorm room,catching up with your roommate's summer or perhaps meeting him or her for the first time. In all the excitement, it is easy for us to lose sight of our Cre- ator. Thus we attend the Fall Bible Conferenceforthe opportunityto quiet ourselves before God. This year Cedarville College in- vited Pastor Allistair Begg to speak each morning and evening during our opening week. One thing not easily forgotten was his distinct Scottish ac- cent and his sense of humor. He ex- horted our student body in our pursuit of a "Passion for Purity." The week closed with an illustra- tion of two ships: while both weath- ered the same winds,each ship posi- tioned its sail in a different direction. Thus the sail and not the gale deter- mined its course. -Keturah Stork John MacArthur Despitethe season's blizzardsand gales,Dr.John MacArthurflew in from Sun Valley, California,to speak at the annual Winter Enrichment Confer- ence. With his background as pastor ofthe large Grace CommunityChurch, he spoke intensely on the subjects of the root of the Christian faith. Begin- ning with the importance of the con- science,hethen continued with God's wrath and sorrow over contemporary culture. But he didn't conclude there; he challenged the student body to pursue the likeness of Christ and be found climbing instead of falling using witnessing asan example. Thiscom- pared with theexamplesoftheteacher, the soldier,the athlete,and thefarmer, all striving faithfully toward the goal. The parting sessionfocused on a holy God's use of sinful man to proclaim His message. Looking back,students will remember the provoking encour- agement he shared,coupled with the tenacity of his beliefs. -Keturah Stork 168 christian ministries
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