1996 Miracle Yearbook
Missions "Week \ lIt)\11, 1r 7 'MPH.MIS i thhopte with Piti-posei Futtilling Go41 Joe Jordon The annual missions conference is one that is greatly anticipated by the college faimly. Held in the spring, it begins spring quarter in a way that causes students to evaluate the ex- tent to which they are willing to serve God. This year, represenatives form various missions were available to meetwith studentsaboutvarious mis- sions opportunities. The featured speaker of the conference was Dr. Joe Jordan, Director of Word of Life, who brought excellent messages throughout the week about the need for the students to be obedient to God and about the great need for people who are willing to share their faith. Many decisions concerning missions were made by students throughout the week,and on Wednesdayevening several students wentforward to pub- licly acknowledge their willingness to follow the Lord wherever He called them. Shari Kregel conferences
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