1996 Miracle Yearbook

What determination! We know you can do it! A Fair to Remember Aglimpse ofcotton candyand pi77a,the beatofcontemporary music,the thrill ofcontesting gladiators-notexactlywhata first-time participantexpected attheannual Organizational Fair. Each organization sponsored an activity rangingfrom twistergamestoface paintingsto blood pressure readings.Forthe musically inclined,aswell asthe novicesinger,a karaokecontest presented itself, whether in the form ofHappyDays°r The Flints/ones. And throughoutthe adventurous evening studentsgathered information aboutclubs within their realms of interest; the optionsseemed numerous. The EmergencyMedicalTechniciansoffered their program. Missionsopportunities, Spanish get-togethers,and other membershipsdrew yetsome more. While no parade marched through thatevening and nostuffed animalswerewon,all whocameoutagreed thatthe fair wasa greatactivityforenjoyingfriendships. -Keturah Stork Many students enjoyed the boxing ring! organizations