1996 Miracle Yearbook

A NightofTalent TosaythatCedarvilleCollege is lacking in talentwould bea big mistake. This wasclearlyseen on February 17when Alpha Chi held their annualTalentShow. Studentswere required to try out if they wanted to be in theshow and several students jumped atthe opportunity. A wide variety oftalents were demonstrated including music,impersonations,acting,ventrilo- quism,juggling,and a martial arts demonstration. All whowere involved spenta greatdeal oftime preparing their partofthe showand this wasevident in the performance. Theaudience voted on theirfavoritesand first place wentto Nate Radford for his humorousdemonstration ofventriloquism. Second place wenttoiesse Dawkinsfor his inspiring guitarsoloand Matt Rhorertook third placefor his outstanding juggling. Thetime and effort putinto perfecting each individual actwasevident by thesuccessoftheevening. -Shari Kregel First place winner, Nathan Radford,entertains with his ventriloquism. Berney (left)and Barry (right) Gorsuch perform their "Buttercup" act. organizations