1996 Miracle Yearbook

Cupid'sBash Li'ISibsMeetCupid Cupid's Bash. Oneofthe more unusual activitiesofCedarville College,butone into which a lotoftime is given in preparation. Cupid'sBash isan annualeventsponsored byAlpha Delta Omega(ADO)and Delta Omega Epsilon(DOE). Thisevening takes placeduring Li'l SibsWeekend. It'sso popularthatsuppos- edlyeven Cupid showsup! Theevening providesa varietyofentertainmentincluding skits, songs,and gamesincluding the infamousdating gamein which two Li'l Sibsare paired upfora date. Theevening providesfun for all and a chanceforsibs tocatch upon oneanother's lives. -Brenda Kregel Chuck Quarles, alias Cupid,sang a song oflove about Cupid's Bash. Steve Smith finds out how well these Li'l Sibs know their Cedarville College sibs. organizations