1996 Miracle Yearbook
SHIN (Socieiy for Human Resources Management) pro- vides its members with informa- tion on current issues in Human Resourcesand opportunitiesto meet professionalsfor business contacts. Left: Brad Evans,Heather Bossley, Kendra Risser, Karisa Linafelter, Krisly Griffith, EricSorensen. STC(Society forTechnical Communications)gives profes- sional writing studentsa varietyof opportunitiesto learn abouttheir field,enhancetheir professional reputation,and find employment. Firstrow:Jill Molar,AngiePappas,Lisa VanWormer,Samantha Sternad,Celeste Weaver,Phil Wittmer. Second row: Rachel Ross,Tanya Nicholson,Aaron Rayder,Jodie Delich, Julie Brower,Heather Bossley. Spanish Club offersan opportu- nitytospeakand havefun in a relaxing atmosphere;membersare not required to befluent. First row: Dana Walter,Kim McKenzie, JenniferYaggi,Elizabeth Parr,Ehrin Arimura,Elizabeth Rogers. Second row:KathyMcFarland,Kimbery Kuczynski,MollyAtkinson,RossMeyers, MichelleClark,Sarah Carr,Peter Chevere. organizations
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