1996 Miracle Yearbook

Matt Towle spends hours in the training room taping up all the injuries or players' weak spots before the games. Stephanie Yankovich watches as Duke inspects Jon Wooley's swollen knee. Meredith Allgrim James Amstutz Andrew Cousens Jason Deugan Joel Eaby Kevin Fountian ICrystee Gehrnan Jason Grahame Brenda Johnson Fred Ludwig Ruthann McAuley Sheri Phipps Jeremy Strong Gretchen Taylor Matthew Towle Alissa Williams Randy Yinger A very important part of the Cedarville sports program takes place behind the scenes in the athletic trainer's work room. The trainers spend a great deal oftime taking care of the athletes who need anything from a taped wrist to emergency medical care. It takes a great deal of time to be involved in this way, but it is crucial to a safe athletic program. Cedarville athletes can feel much safer when they know that there are qualified trainers available in case ofan emergency. Brenda Kregel -ATHLETIC TRAINERS- club volleyball / trainers